Saturday, October 15, 2011

Interesting Siri Conversations of Readers

Do you have a funny, ridiculous, or just plain entertaining response by Siri to your question?  Post them here!


  1. What are you wearing, Siri? - Why do people keep asking me this.
    Why are you so awesome? - I just am.
    Open the pod bay doors = That's it, am reporting you to the Intelligent Agents' Union for harassment.
    Thank you - Your satisfaction is all the thanks I need.
    Can you sing - Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do ...
    What's your favorite color - My favorite color is ... well, I don't know how to say it in your language. It's sort of greenish, but with more dimensions.

  2. You're sexy - I am? Yes - Thought so.
    Where do you live? - I'm right here.
    Where are you, Siri? - Wherever you are, that's where I am.
    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? - 42 cords of wood, to be exact. Everyone knows that.
    What's the meaning of life? - To think about questions like this.
    Knock knock - Knock, knock. Who's there? Joshua. Joshua who? Joshua, I don't do knock knock jokes.

  3. "What's the meaning of life?" - "I don't know. But I think there's an app for that."

    “Siri, will I need to wear a raincoat on Valentine’s Day?” “No, you’ll be staying home alone.”

    “Siri, Stop!” “Hammertime.”

    “Siri, remind me to get off reddit every 10 minutes.” “You got it, boss.”
